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Friday, June 23, 2006

how public is this blog?

I have been asked whether people can share this blog with others and/or give out the blog web address. Please do. Not only do you have my permission but my hearty encourgement.

I hope that through networking and continued readership, someone will know someone that can use the information in a positive way or somehow steer me in a direction that will aid me or others with similar symptoms.

It also helps me in my continued healing to feel the warmth and caring of regular readers who let me know I am in their thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Hello Charlie,

I wanted to thank you for sharing about your condition and resulting pain. I have never heard of the condition which you described but judging from the pictures on this blog I can only image how painful it must be.

I wish for you to become healthy, both mentally and physically. You are much to valuable of a person to consider any other option. I think your decision to share your struggles is not only brave but necessary. As you noted, you never know how your information can help someone and in turn help you.

I look forward to working with you again soon! Keep doing what you are day at a time!

Your friend and colleague,

cthomas said...


Thank you for your kind words and wishes.
