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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

it's been a while

A quick update:

I went off Morphine again in September and seized Sept 11. After going back on the day after, I worked with Dr. Schakkel to taper much more slowly. I am off Morphine now and got my driver's license back last weekend.

I was on Coumadin until about 4 weeks ago when I noticed a lot of blood in my urine. A CT scan showed a clot in my left kidney, which I passed later. That was excruciatingly painful. My urologist Dr. Hackett scoped my bladder and left kidney. He said my kidney looked almost completely bruised inside, just like my ankles. He said that if I go back on anticoagulants, I have a high risk of bleeding and clotting again.

As I blog now, I am sitting in an infusion center getting my first 70 g IVIg treatment. I receive another tomorrow and then another in 4 weeks. We will re-evaluate at that point. I expect it to take 6 hours or so to get that high a dose in. Headaches are the most common side effect, mostly due to dehydrating effects of the IgG antibody.

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