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Monday, November 02, 2009


On Saturday I decreased my Morphine dose another 15 mg at night to 105 mg daily. No or very little nausea Saturday or Sunday. This morning, I felt like I was on the verge of puking all morning. Around noon it started to improve and it's mostly better this afternoon. I could have tried taking Percocet to see if that would eliminate the nausea but didn't bring any to work. If the nausea is from withdrawal, that should bring relief within an hour. That would have been a good test to see if that's what is causing it. I will put some in my pill box tonight and carry it with me.

Maybe it's worst a couple days after a Morphine dose decrease? Since I was better this weekend, and way worse this morning, I tend to think it's not the NATTO-K.

I know I get nauseated when I am really short on sleep but I have been getting nearly as much as I usually need so I don't think that's the cause.

At this rate of Morphine decrease, I will be off it completely on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. That will be something for which to be very thankful.

I did notice on Sunday that my pain level came up in the 4-6 range. I will keep an eye on that. I did not take any Percocet.

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