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Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday morning

I started anti-coagulant Lovenox (enoxaparin sodium) injections Friday evenings, 60mg/.6 ml every 12 hours, injected subcutaneously into the fatty tissue of my abdomen. The injections are unpleasant but not too bad really. The instructions say to avoid contact sports, shave with an electric razor, and use a soft toothbrush to minimize the risk of bleeding. Except for bruising at one of the injection sites, I haven't noticed any new or increased side effects after starting this treatment.

This is an expensive treatment and I am expected to continue this course of treatment for the foreseeable future. This raises concerns in me regarding a significant hike in insurance premiums which has already happened to the company for which I work annually for the past few years. I do not want to place this additional burden on our company.

At the same time, I am also very concerned about my future ability to be productive at work. I have already missed work due to my condition and foresee missing more in the future at an increasing rate. That really scares me. I have a similar concern about being able to function around home as well. This is what leads me to want to do what can be done to slow down the condition's progression.

I will make an appointment to see Dr. Leitch in a month to review this course of treatment.

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